About Us


GreenHOME works to make affordable housing and its neighborhoods green.

CharretteGroupPhoto2.JPGIntegrated design charrette workshop, 2006.


GreenHOME's goal is to make green building as fundamental as safe building. We aim to make green affordable housing a pillar of health and economic security for low-income residents and an environmental and community asset for the National Capital Region. Green development that extends beyond buildings can turn neglected neighborhoods into thriving communities where residents can find jobs in green construction, stormwater management, or clean technologies firms. A sustainable city and region grow the economy while reducing pollution, water use, energy consumption, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions. A green capital will be a model for social, environmental, and economic prosperity for the nation and the world.


Our strategy is to transform the market through pivotal partnerships with public agencies and policy makers, green design consultants, housing developers, construction firms, and nonprofit advocates of affordable housing, smart growth, community development, healthy housing, and resource efficiency. GreenHOME works to leverage these partnerships to embed green in the building community by changing public policy to reflect the benefits of green, demonstrating the viability of green development, and providing the expertise to make it happen. By making green housing and neighborhoods available to those with the least, we demonstrate that green is justified for all.


In late 2004, GreenHOME shifted its focus from small-scale demonstration projects to market transformation of affordable homes and their neighborhoods. After playing a leadership role in drafting and passing Washington, D.C.'s Green Building Act in 2006, GreenHOME is working to ensure the act's successful implementation and to step beyond the buildings themselves to engage and inspire the region's leaders to invest in sustainable infrastructure - energy, water, waste, and supporting economic development that reinforces a greener future for the Washington metro area. If we can inspire policymakers and the development community to understand and make a commitment to green neighborhoods and sustainable cities, widespread adoption of green affordable housing will move forward more easily. GreenHOME wants the nation's capital to become a model for the potential of sustainable development across the United States.

GreenHOME was one of the leaders of a coalition effort to re-shape and enact the "District of Columbia Green Building Act of 2006," making Washington, DC the first major city in the country to require green building standards for both...

Green building? On an affordable housing budget? GreenHOME is committed to making green housing commonplace for families with limited incomes and is making a compelling case to the development community that green can happen within the most constrained budget....

Education, training, and technical assistance are essential in order for the thousands of building professionals in the National Capitol Region to choose green practices and succeed in implementing DC's and Montgomery County's Green Building Acts. GreenHOME is building capacity throughout...

Continue reading Providing Expertise.

Beyond encouraging the development and rehabilitation of green buildings, GreenHOME aims to make the Washington, D.C. region a sustainable place to live and a practical and inspirational model for the nation. By educating and inspiring policymakers and the development...

The DC Green Communities Initiative "Bringing the Benefits of Green Housing to Low-Income Residents of the District" Formed in early 2007, the D.C. Green Communities Initiative is GreenHOME's invaluable partnership with Enterprise Community Partners, one of the nation's leading providers...

Learn more about the folks behind GreenHOME.